ECLAC: Interview with Professor Mariana Mazzucato, within the framework of the 2023 Regional Water Dialogues organized by ECLAC

Holly Holmes
[email protected]

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On January 12th, 2023, in the context of the 2023 Regional Water Dialogues organized by ECLAC, Dr Silvia Saravia Matus, Economic Affairs Officer of the Natural Resources Division, interviewed Professor Mariana Mazzucato via zoom regarding her recent work on the new economy of water and water as a common good, highlighting the relevance of innovation to address water challenges.

Professor Mazzucato commenced her interview by providing recommendations to promote a sustainable and inclusive water transition in the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) region, given her experience as Co-Chair of the Global Commission on the Economics of Water. One of her main recommendations was to design public-private relations, thinking beyond their creation, directing them towards the generation of investments, and ensuring integrated justice, equity, inclusion and co-creation as a central focal point. She emphasized that in addition to a systematic analysis, it is necessary to rethink the economy and consider a market creation and configuration approach to achieve the objectives to be pursued, resulting in a common good practice for water which would allow the benefits of collectively created value to be shared.

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